The #1 Pull-Down Mistake

The Daily Meathead

The Daily Meathead

Check out today’s post here:

Modern Meathead Notes:

  • The major purpose of doing any pull-down - with a vertical loading direction - is to train the lower portions of the lats (primarily) along with other tissues like the teres major, rear delts, and rhomboids (secondarily).

  • The lower portions of the lats primarily function to pull the shoulder girdle downward in addition to the upper arm. Because of this, restricting motion of the shoulder girdle (the shoulder blade, collar bone, and upper arm together) works in opposition to the goal.

  • The lower portions of the lats primarily generate their length through elevation of the shoulder girdle. See the visual below:

  • Ensure that, when you perform the pull-down, you’re not just “letting" go” toward the top of the motion when the shrug happens. Control the shrug upward and downward much like you would control the arm. Allow the shoulder girdle to work as a unit (as it’s meant to) rather than attempting to isolation any component of its motion.

  • Ensure stability in any single arm pull-down by anchoring your opposite hand and same-side-leg forward into or under something (see my demo in the video for reference).

  • Limit any active turning, twisting, or side-bending of the spine during vertical pull-downs.

  • Ensure you use an arm path that is relatively tighter to your body as opposite to wide/out to the sides for maximal lat recruitment.

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If you’re ready to learn more from me, check these out:

  • The 30-Day Blueprint - where beginners can learn all the anatomy & physics they need to master lifting in the fastest timeframe possible.

  • My online courses - where more advanced learners can find my highest-value content that dives into learning anatomy and physics and how you can apply it to lifting immediately.

  • My online community - where you can join 80+ other meatheads collaborating every day. We do 2 live calls every single week and have a private group where we chat 24/7.

  • My eBooks - the most accessible, shorter-form way to start learning all this stuff.

  • My training programs - don’t care much about the nitty-gritty details of anatomy but want an educated way to apply these principles to training today? These are the training programs for you.

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